lunes, 25 de agosto de 2014

Control reading correction TASK2 ISE1

Central Pak,                                                                                                                         Wall Beach,
8576472,                                                                                                                              67274552
U.S.A(New York).                                                                                                       U.S.A(The Angels).


Dear Jeane,
Im weiting to tell you about the thinks of a foring lenguage (why I enjoy, what i find difficult, what tecniques y use to remeber the new words.

Y enjoy to learn a new lenguage

Control reading exam correction TASK1 ISE1

Task 1:                                                    "The rules"
Today in the school magazine are going to talk abaout the rules, but not the social rules, we are going to talk abaout:"The rules of the school".

The rules that the student's have to follow.
•Students stand in lines waiting for teachers to said them in to the classroom.

•They have to wear gray and rd jackets, ties and sullovers.

•Theachers can send the students home if they wear wrong shoes, the hair is to long or to short or they use they mobile phones in class.

•They can't eat fast food in the lunch time.

•If the student's don't do they homework they have to stay after school.

What change¿
•With the new head master every change¡

•The bulding.

•the type of learning.

My opiniones"
•I think that this is one of the best schools in the world, because they have grat students, great teachers, etc...


miércoles, 20 de agosto de 2014

"the day who I met my favorite film star"

I was in a hotel in Paris watching the tv and in the news channel said what Silverster Stalone is in the Ritz in Paris. I went to the first floor and suddenly I crashed whit him and he said"sorry, take two tickets for my new film.

I was very happy my favorite film star invited to me for his new movie! That day I didn't sleep thinking of the movie day. In the day I got ready four hours for the opening.

In the night a limousine wanted for me to carry is to the movie theater.
That night I laughed whit Silverster.

I dont think whit met him again but one night is enough.


martes, 5 de agosto de 2014


Hi Benjamín,

I have studing a new language, Spanish because this summer I will go to Barcelona, Spain.

It´s not so difficult, First y have to study vocabulary, second Grammar, third writing, fourth speaky. It y learn all the basic y can go whithout worries.

To learn spanish faster y have take leassons on, y have to pay 10 dollars for month.

I like more the Spanish lenguage becuse when y been a chield y study english and french two of the three most important lenguages in the earth and y like to now the three idioms.
good bye,
Jorge Aspée